sobota 25. februára 2017

The evening crept in

The evening crept in
I cannot but sigh
Soft lofty pillows
My eyes ceased to dry
Yet you know of my misery
You and you alone
For to all the other men
Indifferent is my mourn
I plead you to stay
Do not leave me tonight
For all my secret hopes
Disappeared from my sight
I stand here, humbly as I am
Vulnerable, fragile and so weak
To know your sacred will
With all my heart I shall seek

štvrtok 16. februára 2017


There's no point in begging
I won't stay a while –
Nevermore shall I return to the shore
Once I have been released

utorok 14. februára 2017


So Samotou sme sa popoludní len tak flákali po meste. Stretli sme tri mladé zaľúbené dievčatá, ktoré v jednej ruke držali červenú ružu a v tej druhej ruku jej darcu. Nebolo im chladno, aj keď vonku bolo mínus šesť stupňov. Vymrznutá som sa vrátila naspäť do svojej internátnej izby. Na stole som našla čosi zabalené v šedom novinovom papieri. Vraj prekvapenie od Priateľstva. So skrehnutými prstami som z papiera opatrne vybrala ťažký hranatý predmet. Zrkadlo, studené a úprimné ako pravda bez lásky. To, čo som v ňom zbadala, ma zabolelo.

sobota 11. februára 2017


I mustn't cry
Said I to myself
For tears—they only drench my soul
And above them I lose control
In swirling waters of sorrow and pain
Where swim I often try

nedeľa 5. februára 2017


Have you met that radiant child
With crystal eyes and transparent skin
Who sings and laughs and dares to play wild
Yet strives to hide deep sorrows within?

She'd tell you the secrets of butterflies
The language of birds she understands well
But when it comes to her own human kind
She remains silent, only to bid farewell